The dimensions of the Universe do not exist.
 EN INGLÉS xx.jpg)

Espejometrómetro: made of a magnifying glass and a cut of plastic bottle pot that serves for juice drinks and transparent. Which serves to see a possible solution to a problem that currently exists in science called "the composition of the universe." It turns out that this homemade instrument, we place it in the human eye by the part where the juice comes out of the plastic bottle in this case and we will see many times a blue color that does not explain what is the blue stripe of the edges of the objects seen with this material.
It turns out that these experiments and analysis on the composition of the universe, throws an alternative that is: a particle that doubles the color and therefore is a mirror, who discovered it mentally gave the name of "Espejotrón" or "Espejotrones".
Now the scientist says that these Espejotrons are grouped around any object to form a blue mirror that is seen only with this one Espejometrómetro.
Now, having these results, we can deduce that what is around an object is a wave of sea but of Espejotrones and these Espejotrons form what Victor Elias Espinoza Guedez (discoverer) says, a very weak mirror of light that only sees with a magnifying glass after a distance from the human eye so that the human eye can do its only job of seeing the invisible without the help of the magnifying glass and its plastic cap that Victor Elias Espinoza Guedez invented, he says it is to see said mirror around an object, because the object occupies a place in space and separates the sea of Espejotrones at its sides.
If this scientific proof says that the blue edges are vacuum mirrors, then we have a new scientific discovery but not yet proven, says Victor.
What I can tell you is how the Espejometrómetro works:
First cut a container of drinks made of transparent plastic or not, to a measure of 10.5 centimeters on the side of the peak and then with a pair of scissors cut a bit of this plastic to introduce the small magnifying glass that is in my hand:
You will place the right peak of the photo in your eye and with the other hand, you will hold the objects that will be grouped to the Espejotrones to form mirrors around the object that I have said is in your hand.
What you are going to see are blue glitters reflecting the light, because according to Victor Espinoza, these lights are being reflected because the blue is a mirror made of Espejotrones previously said in this article.
Then you will change the object and you will notice that the wood and leaves of dried plants shine because around them there is a mirror of Espejotrones.
That is the theory of the Espejotrón seen with a Espejometrómetro, which is nothing more than a mirror invisible to the human eye but not to the magnifying glass.
The 3D video of the Espejometrómetro is in the following link:
 en la foto del espejometrómetro.jpg)